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  1. 7 Delectable Diabetes-Friendly Cocktails

    7 Delectable Diabetes-Friendly Cocktails

    Living with Type 2 diabetes means you have to be more aware of your diet, ensuring you don’t eat foods with too many carbs or drink sugary beverages that can cause your blood sugar levels to spike. And while that should be Priority One, it’s okay to indulge every once in a while — as long as you do it safely and in moderation.

  2. 9 Trusty Tips for Exercising Safely in Cold Weather

    9 Trusty Tips for Exercising Safely in Cold Weather

    With the Covid pandemic closing or limiting capacity at your usual gym or fitness center, you might be looking to get in some of your activity outdoors. But, with winter weather comes colder temperatures, snow, rain, and shorter daylight hours. There are several things to be aware of when it comes to being outside in frosty temps. 

    Check out our 9 trusty tips for exercising safely in cold weather.

  3. 10 Sweet & Savory Make-Ahead Healthy Breakfasts

    10 Sweet & Savory Make-Ahead Healthy Breakfasts

    Your mornings set the tone for your entire day. That’s one of many reasons why eating a healthy breakfast is so critical to ensuring you have a productive day.

    That can be challenging when you have an especially busy a.m. routine — or kiddos and a significant other to also help get out the door.

    Luckily, there are plenty of tasty, simple recipes you can make ahead of time and have ready to roll for those hectic mornings.

  4. Going Vegetarian May Be Just the Thing to Control Your Diabetes

    Going Vegetarian May Be Just the Thing to Control Your Diabetes

    Diabetes is a condition that effects over 32-million Americans, with an added 88-million adults suffering from pre-diabetes. Both can be scary diseases, but both can also be at least partially controlled through diet.

    Research has shown that eating a plant-based diet that’s low in processed foods and high in whole unprocessed grains, fruits, vegetables, nuts, and legumes can reduce the risk for diabetes and pre-diabetes.

    Getting started on a vegetarian diet is one of the areas that Diet-to-Go can help you with! With two diets specifically designed to help people with Type-2 diabetes and pre-diabetes we're here to help you eat right, learn about proper portion size, get balanced nutrition, and even lose weight.*

  5. Cathrine Is Looking Back on 2020 and Ahead to a Better 2021

    Cathrine Is Looking Back on 2020 and Ahead to a Better 2021

    Like the rest of the world, Cathrine Shinn faced many challenges in 2020 — navigating a pandemic, taking care of her parents, keeping up on her mental wellness and continuing to maintain her over 100-lb weight loss.

    But for Cathrine, 2020 was also a year of important lessons, not the least of which was learning the difference between wants and needs.

    We checked back in with Cathrine to see how her journey of weight loss and maintenance continues through 2020, and what lessons, tips, and tricks she might have to pass on to other Diet-to-Goers!

  6. A Look at Diet-to-Go’s New Meals for 2021

    A Look at Diet-to-Go’s New Meals for 2021

    We love to hear what real customers have to say about our program and meals. These comments help us make our meals even more delicious, address concerns, and improve the overall experience. We also use these reviews when we're planning new meals for our menus!

    We hope we've added some new favorites you'll enjoy trying and we can't wait for the feedback on the menu options!

  7. Why the Only Opinion That Matters is Your Own

    Why the Only Opinion That Matters is Your Own

    The only person’s opinion that truly matters is your own. And knowing your own opinion of yourself — inside and out — plays a big role in how others see you, and how capable you are of finding happiness and achieving success with your goals.

  8. 9 Powerful Ways to Find Your Motivation

    9 Powerful Ways to Find Your Motivation

    It’s all well and good to set a goal, stop procrastinating and start it, use your time effectively and harness self-control, but one of the most critical steps to making your goal a reality is to find your motivation. Motivation can come from two places: within yourself, or from external factors. It doesn’t matter where you find it, the key is to do just that — find it.

    We put together a list of 9 powerful ways to find your motivation, a mix of internal and external things you can do to find the enthusiasm necessary to carry on and make that goal a reality.

  9. 9 Tried-and-True Ways to Master Self-Control

    9 Tried-and-True Ways to Master Self-Control

    One of the most difficult things to conquer in life is mastering self-control. Self-control ultimately means being in charge of your own choices, both physically and mentally. Why learn self-control? Because it will make you happier — and able to achieve your goals better and get the most out of life. People who have more self-control are able to deal with conflict better and have less stress in their lives. And, an additional added benefit; mastering self-control can make a difference in achieving your weight lose goals!

    That’s why we've got 9 tried-and-true ways to master self-control — and get all the happiness and improvement that goes with it.

  10. 9 Ways to Make the Most of Your (Limited) Time

    9 Ways to Make the Most of Your (Limited) Time

    Regardless of what's going on in the world, or what's going on inside your home or your head... I think everyone has felt overwhelmed at one time or another about just not having enough time. But... is there really too much to do and not enough time to do it? (maybe) Or, is it just that we really need to work on our time management and planning skills? (probably)

    Check out these 9 tips we've put together to help you break it down, and make the most of every moment.

  11. 9 Effective Tips to Power Past Procrastination Once and For All

    9 Effective Tips to Power Past Procrastination Once and For All

    After 2020 was, well, what it was, 2021 brings an opportunity to challenge ourselves, set new, ambitious goals and do everything in our power to follow through with them.

    For many of us, weight loss is a big part of that.

    If ever there were a year to stop procrastinating and actually follow through with it, 2021 is it. After all, if we can survive a global pandemic that changed life as we know it, taking the proper steps now to lose weight should be more than possible, right?

    Let's start by using these tips to make procrastination a thing of the past.

  12. 5 Refreshing Keto-Friendly Low-Carb, Low-Calorie Cocktails

    5 Refreshing Keto-Friendly Low-Carb, Low-Calorie Cocktails

    Alcohol and dieting generally don’t mix. Many alcoholic beverages are high in sugars, carbs, and calories. But let’s face it -- alcohol is often a part of our holiday celebrations, and it’s also nice to kick back with an adult beverage now and again.  

  13. 7 Daily Doses to Relieve Stress Before Christmas

    7 Daily Doses to Relieve Stress Before Christmas

    While some say this is the "most wonderful time of the year", others will say it's the most stressful time. Between finding the perfect gifts, getting out the holiday cards, planning festive holiday meals, and still trying to deal with the Covid pandemic AND figure out how to have the very merriest of weeks leading into the new year... it can be nearly impossible to find time to unwind.

    Here are 7 of our suggestions to breathe in the season with a little less stress.

  14. 20 Health & Wellness Stocking Stuffers That Support Weight Loss Success

    20 Health & Wellness Stocking Stuffers That Support Weight Loss Success

    Sure, the holidays are super stressful. But they’re also that one time of year that you get an excuse to show your loved ones how much you care. And if you know someone who is trying to lose weight or get healthy, you can show them your support by giving them something that will help them along in their journey.

    We found 20 awesome gifts related to health and wellness that you can stuff into stockings, pop into a tiny gift bag, (or even put on your own list) this holiday season.

  15. Tips for Exercising in the Cold Weather

    Tips for Exercising in the Cold Weather

    Did you know? Researchers say you can burn up to twice as many calories running in cool weather. So as the air outside gets chilly, instead of thinking up excuses, I’m finding ways to optimize my cold weather routine, but it isn’t easy. If you’re like me, as the days get shorter, your resolve to move gets lower. Get top tips to keep you motivated this winter!

  16. 10 Tricks to Instantly Tame an Anxious Mind

    10 Tricks to Instantly Tame an Anxious Mind

    Anxiety is a real struggle that millions of us battle every single day. With Thanksgiving opening up the holiday season this week, you may be feeling added pressure. Then add in the ever looming presence of Covid, and your stress may be closing in on being a 10 out of 10 on your personal anxiety scale.

    Along with your mental health, anxiety and stress definitely can have an effect on any control you may feel you have over your health and weight loss efforts.

    If you're feeling the amped up anxiety of Covid, the holidays, or even just every day life... check out our collection of tips to try to bring on a little calm.

  17. Healthy Versions of Favorite Thanksgiving Side Dish Recipes

    Healthy Versions of Favorite Thanksgiving Side Dish Recipes

    Thanksgiving - a time for family to gather, sit down for a meal, maybe play a game or two, watch some football, and most importantly, enjoy each other’s company.

    It’s also a time for food — and lots of it.Your typical delicious, savory, tummy filling Thanksgiving meal can average 4,500 calories. That's just for the one meal (with appetizers, drinks, and dessert).

    We've collected some recipes for healthier, still delicious alternatives for some favorite Turkey Day classics. So, cut out some of those calories, even if you only substitute one dish!

  18. Our Immune System (and How to Eat the Foods That Support It)

    Our Immune System (and How to Eat the Foods That Support It)

    If you're like most, living in a pandemic has you thinking about ways to stay healthy. Luckily, our bodies have a built-in defense mechanism that works hard to keep viruses at bay and us living longer and healthier- our immune system.

    See how you can start helping to boost your immunity today!

  19. 6 Frequently Asked Questions for Fitness Beginners

    6 Frequently Asked Questions for Fitness Beginners

    If you’ve never really worked out before, or at least haven’t done so with any measure of consistency, it can seem pretty daunting to start. Whatever you do... don't let these frequently asked questions keep you from starting your journey to a healthier, more fit lifestyle.

    We've rounded up six FAQs fitness beginners ask and expert responses. Check out these tips that will help you navigate the noise, stay consistent, and definitely find that long-term success you've been looking for!

  20. Boost Your Walking Regimen to the Next Level

    Boost Your Walking Regimen to the Next Level

    Exercising for hours on end in a gym or pounding the pavement by running isn’t for everyone. Ya know what? That's ok! What's important is that you get your body moving!

    Walking is a popular, low-impact exercise that can fit into almost any schedule! It's a great way to get out in the fresh air or can be done inside on a treadmill when the weather doesn't cooperate.

    If walking is your exercise of choice... try these tips to take your stepping to the next level!

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