While doing my morning calisthenics -- surfing the 'Net -- I stumbled upon yet more bad news about the fast foods that have a love-hate hold on us. "Drive-through foods may be convenient and easy on the wallet, but theyre loaded with unhealthy fats, added sugars, carbohydrates, and sodium. Translation: Theyre no bargain when it comes to your health. But jam-packed schedules and a dismal economy make the occasional drive-through meal a part of life," notes the feature I found on MSN.com. We KNOW fast food is not a great idea while dieting (or anytime for that matter) but when our schedule gets overbooked we sometimes feel we have no choice but to drive-thru and dine on the stuff. After reading the feature crafted by Men's Health editor Dave Zinczenko and co-writer Matt Goulding. You just may agree it's time to fast from fast food. As loyal Diet-to-Go readers know, the World's Best Fast Food is the food that comes from us to you... and from your microwave to your dinner table in 3-4 minutes. Meanwhile, back to the drive-thru disasters. Get the scary news about some of your fast food favorites right here: http://health.msn.com/nutrition/articlepage.aspx?cp-documentid=100236311&page=1>1=31036
Author: John McGran