Diet-to-Go Blog
  1. The 3 Things You Must Do to Diet Successfully

    On the surface, losing weight should be as easy as A-B-C... do-re-mi... 1-2-3 baby, for you and me.

    The simple equation is fewer calories in plus more calories burned.

    So why do so many of us fail at it?

    It sounds so cliche, but we plan to fail at dieting because we fail to plan.

    Isn't it time we do it right?

    Mr. Bad Food is serving up the three things you need to do to make this year different from all the rest.


    1. Clean House... and Don't Forget the Fridge

    There's nothing I hate more as a dieter than opening the cupboard to grab a can of super-healthy tuna and coming face-to-face with a box of super-yummy-but-diet-deadly Yodels! At times like this "Just say NO" is rarely an option for Mr. Bad Food.

    If you're following an AA lifestyle, you wouldn't leave bottles of booze around your home... would you? When quitting cigarettes, you wouldn't stash a pack of smokes in your glove box... would you?

    So when qutting bad eating habits, it's crucial that you not set yourself up for failure. Grab a cardboard box and start cleaning house. It's out with the old and in with the new for you.

    When done, load all those unopened treats and drinks into your car and donate them to the local food pantry. The rest can go into your trash. Just be sure to dump coffee grounds or some other yucky stuff on top of your discarded treats so you are less likely to pull a George Costanza and pluck a cupcake from the trash can in a moment of weakness!

    It's important that you replace the junk food with diet-friendly snacks and foods. Snacking healthily between meals can keep you focused and on track.

    Stock up on fresh fruits and veggies. There are ooddles of diet foods and drinks on the market. Try to stick with ones that aren't overly processed or those that contain dozens of chemical additives.


    2. Have a Plan!

    It's nice to resolve to lose weight, but you can't leave your weight loss resolution that ambiguous. What you should say is I WILL lose 10 pounds over the next four weeks... or I WILL lose 50 pounds by year end.

    Now you need to plan how to hit your milestones along the way. Do some research. Ask friends who've lost weight -- and kept it off -- how they did it.

    We all know someone who dropped a lot of weight on a fad diet. Sadly, they almost always gain back that weight in time. Steer clear of trendy fad diet plans. And don't jump onto a program just because your favorite celebrity says she has lost weight with it!

    Pick a plan that works for you and fits your food preferences. Keep track of calories and know how many you need to feel good and lose pounds.

    Too few calories can thrust your body into starvation mode and make you stop losing pounds. Too many calories and you'll never see progress.

    3. The X-ercise Factor

    Okay, once you settle on a sensible diet you really need to include exercise into your routine. Exercise alone doesn't lead to weight loss BUT exercise combined with a good diet is the X factor in boosting your metabolism and getting your body to burn more calories.

    As you slim down and firm up you'll be more motivated than ever to stay the course.

    We all have time for exercise. If you have a must-see show on TV, simply use that time for fitness as well. Get off the couch and on the floor for calisthetics or weight training.

    Don't watch TV? Good for you. Get up and out the door for some walking. If it's too cold for pleasurable strolling, stay indoors and walk on a treadmill.

    You don't need to join a gym or buy pricey equipment or spend hours sweating and grunting. A little activity goes a long way towards shaping up and feeling reenergized.

    Now that I've given you the three basic steps for your diet to succeed, get serious with me -- and let's start losing the weight that has cramped our lifestyle and endangered our health for far too long now.

    Author: John McGran

    Weight Loss Tips
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